Q&A - Dedicated Servers

What is a Dedicated Server in Hosting ?

A dedicated server is a hosting model in which an entire server is reserved for a particular client. It is one of the most robust servers and the very fact that it caters to a single client offers its customers ultimate control, flexibility and customizability.

On the other hand is the shared hosting, wherein a single server houses hundreds of websites. Thus, each client gets its own share of resources, which might not be adequate enough for his needs.

Dedicated servers also offer more security because they are island unto themselves, which means a dedicated server is more secure because there is only one client using it, so there is no unnecessary interruption from unwanted people. It is like renting an entire apartment and living alone. You have the liberty to live your way and in absolute privacy.

How does Dedicated Server Hosting work with SOLOIDC?

Dedicated hosting works pretty much like any other server does. However, it has a single tenant hosted on it. Means, all the computing resources are available for a single website.

Who need to buy Dedicated Server Hosting ?

Websites with an enormous amount of monthly traffic or those that have advanced applications hosted on their servers should buy dedicated server hosting.

How many websites can I host on a Dedicated Server  Linux/Windows ?

There is no limit on the number of websites allowed on a dedicated server hosting service. Some provider may cap the number of domains but we don’t. You can host as many websites as you feel like hosting, provided there is enough resource on your server to take care of all the things.

Who will Manages the Dedicated Server Customer /DC Team?

A dedicated server is segregated into two broader categories depending on the way they are being managed – managed hosting and unmanaged hosting. If you have opted for managed hosting, every task, including security patching, monitoring, and upgrading is managed at the service provider’s end, whereas in unmanaged Dedicated hosting, these responsibilities will be catered by you own internal technical professionals.

How do I Access my Dedicated Server?

There are several ways to access a dedicated server.

  1. In Case of Linux SOLOIDC will provide a web-based access panel, you can directly login to your website, sign in to your account and start accessing your server.
  2. If you are using a localized dedicated server, you need to tweak a few of your IP settings.
  • Go to Start and click Run.
  • In the run box, type in mstsc.exe. This will open a remote desktop for you to access.
  • Type server IP and click connect.
  • The next screen takes you to the authentication. Enter Username and Password.

You can now access your dedicated server.

  • Dedicated server, SOLOIDC Dedicated Server, Colocation VS Dedicated Server, VPS Server
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